
ø is a library that eases functional programming in JavaScript and CoffeeScript. It contains common generic functions such as id, map and foldl. All functions in ø are pure functions.

At the moment, ø only supports using it with Node.js. Contributions are more than welcome!

ø takes a function and a variable number of arguments, and returns a new function with those arguments bound to the first arguments of the given function.

var logAll = ø.curry(ø.map, console.log);
ø = (f, args...) -> (args_...) -> f(args..., args_...)

Identity functions

id returns its argument.

ø.id = (x) -> x

list returns a list of the given arguments.

ø.list(1, 2, 3) # => [1, 2, 3]

This function is an alternative to new Array(), which behaves differently when it is given only one argument.

ø.list = (xs...) -> xs

Generic higher-order functions

flip takes a binary function and returns a new function with the arguments interchanged.

ø.flip = (f) -> (x, y) -> f(y, x)

curry is identical to ø

ø.curry = ø

apply applies the given arguments to the given function.

ø.apply = (f, args...) -> f(args...)

comp returns a new function by composing the two given functions.

ø.comp = (f, g) -> (args...) -> f(g(args...))

Manipulating lists

unshift returns a new list by prepending the first argument.

ø.unshift = (x, xs) -> ø.list(x, xs...)

head returns the first element of the list.

ø.head = (xs) -> xs[0]

tail returns the list sans its first element.

ø.tail = (xs) -> xs[1..]

last returns the last element of the list.

ø.last = (xs) -> xs[xs.length - 1]

init returns the list sans its last element.

ø.init = (xs) -> xs[..xs.length - 2]

null returns true iff the list is empty.

ø.null = (xs) -> xs.length is 0

elem returns true iff the first argument occurs in the list.

ø.elem = (x, xs) -> ø.any(ø.curry(ø.eq, x), xs)

length returns the length of the list.

ø.length = (xs) -> xs.length

glue concatenates two lists.

ø.glue = (xs, ys) -> ø.list(xs..., ys...)

map applies a function to all elements of the list, returning a new list with the return values of the function.

ø.map = (f, xs) -> f(x) for x in xs

filter returns a list of all the elements in the given list for which the given function returns true.

ø.filter = (f, xs) -> x for x in xs when f(x)

land returns true iff all elements in the list are true.

ø.land = (xs) ->
    for x in xs
        return false unless x

lor returns true if at least one element in the list is true.

ø.lor = (xs) -> not ø.null(ø.filter(ø.id, xs))

ø.all = (f, xs) -> ø.comp(ø.land, ø.curry(ø.map, f))(xs)

ø.any = (f, xs) -> ø.comp(ø.lor, ø.curry(ø.map, f))(xs)


foldl does a left-associative fold of a structure.

ø.foldl = (f, z0, xs0) ->
    lgo = (z, xs) ->
        if ø.null(xs) then z
        else lgo(f(z, ø.head(xs)), ø.tail(xs))
    lgo(z0, xs0)

foldl1 is the same as foldl except it uses the head of the list as the initial value.

ø.foldl1 = (f, xs) -> ø.foldl(f, ø.head(xs), ø.tail(xs))

foldl does a right-associative fold of a structure.

ø.foldr = (f, z, xs) ->
    go = (ys) ->
        if ys.length is 0 then z
        else f(ø.head(ys), go(ø.tail(ys)))

foldr1 is the same as foldr except it uses the head of the list as the initial value.

ø.foldr1 = (f, xs) ->
    if xs.length is 1
        f(ø.head(xs), foldr1(f, ø.tail(xs)))

sum and product are pretty self-explanatory.

ø.sum = (xs) -> ø.foldl1(ø.add, xs)
ø.product = (xs) -> ø.foldl1(ø.multiply, xs)

reverse reverses the given list.

ø.reverse = (xs) -> ø.foldl(ø.flip(ø.unshift), [], xs)

concat concatenates the lists in the given list.

ø.concat([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
    # => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
ø.concat = (xss) -> ø.foldr(ø.glue, [], xss)

ø.concatMap = (f, xs) -> ø.foldr(ø.comp(ø.glue, f), [], xs)

Basic mathematics

succ and pred respectively return the successor and predecessor of the given value.

ø.succ = (x) -> x + 1
ø.pred = (x) -> x - 1

even and odd return whether their arguments are even or odd, respectively.

ø.even = (a) -> a % 2 is 0
ø.odd = (a) -> a % 2 isnt 0


These functions map to JavaScript's operators. They are useful in certain higher-order situations. For example, if you want to compare all elements in a list and return a new list of Booleans, you can use eq

ø.map(ø.curry(ø.eq, 42), my_list)
ø.and = (a, b) -> a and b
ø.or = (a, b) -> a or b
ø.not = (a) -> not a

ø.add = (a, b) -> a + b
ø.subtract = (a, b) -> a - b
ø.multiply = (a, b) -> a * b
ø.divide = (a, b) -> a / b
ø.mod = (a, b) -> a % b
ø.negate = (a) -> -a

ø.eq = (x, y) -> x is y
ø.neq = (x, y) -> x isnt y
ø.gt = (x, y) -> x > y
ø.gte = (x, y) -> x >= y
ø.lt = (x, y) -> x < y
ø.lte = (x, y) -> x <= y

module.exports = ø